Saturday, November 01, 2003

The Way Out

I'm in London! I mean, London, England, me here now!!!! This so fucking rocks! My roomies are nice, both English Ed. majors. It's cool, though I'd like to meet some other international students or natives, just getting outside the typical US and the accent and all that. Jenny's experience at Lancaster just sounds so cool, with it being primarily British flatmates. But here, they group you together by location, but oh well. There's places...DUDE! BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY, on the radio, NOW!!! sweet...that makes my day :) "Look up to the skies and seeeee" Ah yes, an affirmation of my American roots...Wayne's World, what a wonderful movie.

Anyway, I should walk around, meet people, check things out. My roomies are all tired, but I'm wide awake and ready to go, thanks to my nap. As I had started saying, there are places like this internet cafe, a bar, and other social areas in which I can meet people from all over the world. I'd love to blog more, but I've spent way too much time sitting around on my own in the last 24 hours. Time to be social. "ME! Galileo, Figaro...He's just a poor boy from a poor family....Will you let me go, NO! we will not let you go...will not let you go, will not let you go, will not let you go, No no no no no no no!...for MEEEEEEEE!" Okay, I'm done singing. Hard to keep up with "type singing" on a foreign keyboard where the buttons are in just a tiny bit different places, so I make more typos. "oooooooh, oh yeah, oh yeah...Nothing really matters--anyone can see. Nothing really matters, nothing really matters, to me...Any way the wind blows ::sustained cymbol/gong::" Okay, I'm sad, I know ;) Well, off I go. Perhaps I'll come around later, when mayhap some of you US blokes are about. I guess it's only 2pm there. Later dudes :)

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