Thursday, September 12, 2002

To go along with, but to sort of give a counter to Tricia's blog, I think Blaise makes a great point (Blaise is one of the lucky few who apparently likes my blog enough to have it linked to her website, which by the way I think is a lot of fun, especially with the British accent sometimes ;) ) when she says:
"I didn't feel like writing yesterday, mainly because I had a very frustrating day at work but also because I was thinking not only about the September 11 attacks and the 3,000 who died but all the other tragedies like children dying of starvation in Africa or the thousands of people killed in Eastern Europe. I wondered what it would be like if we had a silence for all of the atrocities. Would it take days, weeks or even months of silence to remember all the dead?

I’m not degrading what happened in America, in fact I still tear up when they play the seemingly endless footage from every different angle of the planes crashing into the towers. I just think we need to look at the bigger picture – at putting an end to senseless wars, trying to prevent babies and children dying from lack of food when we have so much and protecting our planet from corporate raiders who are just out to take take take…. "

I agree with the fact that it was a horrible thing to have happen, and I did take a moment to pause and think about it during my first class at 9ish on Wednesday, and talked about it a bit with some friends. I'm not a fan of the way the whole thing has been exploited by business companies making money off of "American" parafanalia or the way politicians, ::cough:: BUSH! ::cough:: use it to their advantage. AND while I think being together as a NATION Is a good thing, I think TOO MUCH Nationalism is a BAD idea for a world that is so interconnected with so many cultures needing to work together in order to at least TRY to maintain an overall peace. AND, relatively, 3000 people is not that many, I don't mean to sound cold, but think of the THOUSANDS that have died in earthquakes over in Asia and the Middle East, plus even the THOUSANDS that died just in one day at Atiedam in the Civil War. Our country SHOULD remember those who have died, BUT, we also need to move on. Keeping the country in this state of mourning and FEAR is not a good way to go about global relations, nor is it going to help our economy any. Anyways, that's what I have to say on that subject.

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