Saturday, July 28, 2007

Heart It Races

Not an original title, by any means. I can't wait 'til the new AIH album comes out in August. But besides the title of a their hit single, it sort of sums up my life of late.

I'M MARRIED! EEK! I'm so happy it's sick. I get to call Chris my "husband." It's so bizarre. I love him and I love the idea of being married to him. It's just so weird to think of myself as being married. I mean, married people are old, right? ::sigh:: I guess I'm old now. Oh well.

We just got back from our honeymoon this afternoon and an hour and a half later I was on my way to Jenny's bridal shower. Tiring, but sweet to see friends after all the hoopla is done. Putting a wedding together is not an easy or short task. I could not have done it without tons of help--I love my friends and family, so dearly.

And I love all those friends and family who made it there and the ones who sent their best wishes our way. There's a few faces I didn't get to see, which was sad, but as it was I was so busy that I could barely say more than a few words to the folks that were present. I hear that's not unusual and I can understand why.

My computer's hot and so am I, so I won't blog about the honeymoon yet. But I'll have some fun details to say later. Maybe after I read Harry Potter 7. I bought it on Monday, after the wedding and before the honeymoon, and I promised Chris I wouldn't take it on the honeymoon. It was difficult, but he kept me busy enough not to notice ;) Now that I'm back, I'm itching for those pages, but to be fair, I'm holding off for one more night.

Tomorrow, no pages barred.

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