Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Minimal Progress

Holy shit, has it been an f-ing busy month. My bogged down brain can barely comprehend that Friday marks the end of June.
WTF? It sucks because I've barely had any time to work on applications. Okay, so I could be doing one now. But geez, it's hard to get motivated for it when I'm spending a good portion of my day teaching 25 high school kids for 4.5 hours every day. Planning for 4 days worth of material blows. And all this time spent on school work means I've been neglecting working on the apartment and also have not been taking much time searching for a new apartment. We're planning to move in either August or September, depending on when I manage to land a job. Who knows what part of the city I'll be positioned?

On the bright side of busy times, Liz and Vince got married last weekend and I had a good time as bridesmaid. Although, I have to say it was a litte eerie having my parents there, knowing they must be thinking that watching me walk down the isle in a white dress instead of a sage one is coming soon. That's another thing to work on--getting the venues arranged. It sort of sucks trying to plan a wedding in a city that's 4.5 hours away.

Anyway, I know my blogging has been damn scetchy lately. I'll try to work on getting more than 2 posts per month, but it's still going to rough for another month. Just 3 more days of this first session of summer school, then a short break for a trip to GB and Chicago. And then 2.5 more weeks of summer school. If I could go back, I'd have turned down the job. Yeah, the money's going to help, but damn, the stress is NOT worth it. My past years of summer school we're nearly as time consuming or stressful. But I suppose I have had it easy with good kids in the past. These kids aren't so bad, but some are just soooo lazy. I suppose that's why they're there. It'd just be nice if it was a smaller class (it used to be 30 kids but several dropped it or were kicked out because they missed too much class time).

At the end of July, I think I'm going to sleep for a week.

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