Monday, March 20, 2006

All Is Fair...damn, did I already use this title? I suck.

So I decided it might be fun to go to the Wedding Fair in Minneapolis on Sunday. For a change of pace, I asked Elyssa if she'd like to tag along, and though she had been to a wedding fair less than a month ago, she agreed. Crazy, but so cool.

The main attraction? Cake. And anything that involved hot melted chocolate. I think I took in more calories just staring at the chocolate fondu fountain than I did eating the Irish cream, raspberry, cheese, vanilla, orange, or chocolate cake pieces that I also devoured that day.

Perhaps I spent a few calories grabbing for floating cash whizzing through the rushing air around me in that glass booth for money off a possible tux rental. Elyssa assured me I had to try it. I sucked at it, but still got $100 off plus other cool deals...and a free ugly teddy bear.

Or maybe I got some toning in my arm by carrying the twenty pound bag of f-ing flyers, magazines, booklets, CD's, DVD's, pens, and candy for four hours.

But no worries, a spicy meal of Sawatdee's Thai food negated any of that. What a pig out this weekend! Oh well. My twelve hour work days this week due to Parent-Teacher conferences ought to even that out.

Bleah...I'll write something remotely interesting one of these days. Maybe even post a few pictures from the other events going around. For sure I'll say SOMETHING before my Ireland trip on the 31st. And I'll have PLENTY to say afterwards (especially if I deign to kiss the Blarney Stone--if I have an antiseptic wipe for afterwards).